The Summer of 2000

Me and Grandma on the jet ski

Our whole family on our vacation out east (I think this was at Mike Teachout's wedding reception.)

Me and Janelle - After all that fighting in highschool, we finally loved each other!

Me with my Grandpa Patz and his wife Sadie

The Three Sisters - April, Katie and Janelle in the Boston area

Having some fun with Mom and April jumping on the trampoline

Yes - that's me and Alicia (then Mendez) - two members of our new blogging community! This was at Northland's Freedom Celebration.

Mom, Matthew and Janelle play in the sand at Bar Harbor, Maine.

Meanwhile . . . Chris was across the Pacific "interning" at a church in Hawaii. :)

Here we are - happiliy reuinited. This was taken the morning after we got engaged.
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