Monday, October 17, 2005
Our Visit to Wisconsin

Grandpa and Grandma with their three great-grandchildren

Luke and Paul playing on Grandpa's chair

Grace took over the controls!

We took some great fall pictures!

Luke and Auntie Mary

Molly and her munchkins

Everybody's smiling!

Pappy showed Luke his beautiful red rabbit.

What a great pic!

Two cousins - up to no good! :-)

No, Luke does not wear tights. April put Dad's socks on him.

Marco turned 12 on October 7. He had an awesome Green Bay Packers cake!

This is one of many picutres Lukie got with his Auntie April. He got to spend a lot of time with her.
I had to take some pictures of my beautiful home. The weather was great!

We took a walk by Dad's garden. (We were all dying to see it.)

My Dad, as I know him

A great shot of the house

Mom and Katie

I'm "falling." (This one's for you, April.)

Mom and Janelle

One of the Twin Lakes

The other lake

Janelle singing with the dog (Don't kill me, Janelle.)

Luke and Nonie

Luke and Uncle Matthew at the soccer field

Matthew, Jerry and Luke