Thursday, August 24, 2006

Scotland: Days 4 & 5

Katie with Rachel at the Aberdeen Drilling School, where Rachel worked for the summer.

Katie with Emma and Rachel at Emma's flat on Sunday afternoon.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Scotland: Day 2

Chris and I near the harbor in Stonehaven

Stonehaven is about 15 miles south of Aberdeen.

This is one of my favorite shots. I guess it's the Wisconsin girl coming out in me! I took this near Dunnottar Castle.

Dunnottar Castle is right outside of Stonehaven.

The castle is right on the coast of the North Sea. It is a breathtaking view.

We saw families picknicking outside of the castle. That will be us next year!

Inside the castle. Not really sure why I took this pic. Don't know what it was. Probably a dungeon for poor prisoners or something spooky like that.

Chris and I sitting on a castle wall, the sea in the background

Me sitting on a cool window seat in an upstairs room in the castle

Chris in front of the sports field of the University of Aberdeen

Possibly Chris' future place of employment!